QuoteWerks Tax Rate Lookup

QuoteWerks has a Tax Rate Lookup service for US postal codes included with the Real-time Data Module.


It is very important to have access to current tax rate information. How much time do you spend verifying the specific tax rate for the county next to yours or even the postal code down the street? With the built-in tax rate lookup, all you have to do is press a button.


There are no additional Monthly or Annual fees for the service. The tax rate lookup service is included free with the Real-time Data module. Find our more about the Real-time Data Module pricing.

All 50 states with their postal codes are included.

The State, County, City, and other tax rate breakdowns are included. If there is a special tax added for a transportation or cultural district, you will be able to see it.TaxRateLookup_Denver_500x374

The tax rates are updated monthly on our servers so you do not need to do anything other than to click on the Lookup Tax Rate button within QuoteWerks to receive the updated rates.

The QuoteWerks tax rate lookup service compliments the tax rate information retrieved from your CRM/PSA application like ConnectWise by verifying that the tax rate information in your CRM/PSA is up to date and also enables you to see the tax rate break downs.